New Statutes of the Saint Michele Archangel Foundation

The new Statute of the Saint Michael Archangel Foundation represents a profound manifestation of the Foundation’s Nature, Identity and Purpose, as well as embodying the vision that inspired its birth.
It reflects the values that have always guided its work and its constant commitment to promoting the integral fulfilment of the person.
With this Statute, in a way, I am handing over the history of the San Michele Arcangelo Foundation once and for all. Over the years, we have understood that criteria are not acquired, but are already present in the human heart. Everything was already there from the beginning. After thirty years we have grown up, as if we had been children who are now adults, young at least. The Statute wants to serve everyone’s experience, because today, thank God, the Foundation is all of us.
Daniele Nembrini, Founder.
The new Statute, published below, clearly defines the Governance of the Foundation, outlining the purpose, objectives and guidelines that govern the entire organisational structure, to which all the Works of the San Michele Arcangelo Foundation Group refer.
This clarity enables the Foundation, together with all the Opere related to it, to operate effectively and transparently, maintaining its Mission.
Statute - Fondazione San Michele Arcangelo
See Statute